
Mestre João Pequeno Honored with Doctoral Degree

Here are some pictures from the ceremony honoring Mestre João Pequeno with an honorary doctoral degree from the Federal University of Bahia last Wednesday. The event was very nice. Mestre João Pequeno entered the room to great applause and the flashes of many, many cameras.

The ceremony opened with a presentation of a berimbau orchestra, followed by speeches, various theatrical presentations, a children’s roda, and the presentation of the degree. A highlight was the poetic telling of Mestre João Pequeno's life story by some of his women students. Besides the UFBa administrators, professors, and many capoeiristas, Mestres Moraes, Poloca, Barba Branca, and Lua Rasta were in attendance. It was a great night.

Once again, congratulations Mestre João Pequeno on this well-deserved honor.

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